Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anyone On Twitter...I need some followers!

So, I need a favor...apparently on Twitter, once you go over 2000 that you are following, you also have to have a certain number of followers.  Now I can't follow anyone else until I get more followers.  I have almost 1300 followers but I guess it isn't enough.  
In the meantime, I am hoping that some of you on Twitter will take a moment and if you feel inclined, follow me...


  1. I'm already following you, but good luck getting more followers. :)

  2. I'll follow you :)) Monica

  3. Hi there, I am following you too! I know that I have seen other tweets about services to get more followers but I am not sure if that's a free service or if you pay a fee. If I see a link the next time I'm on, I will tweet it to you!


I love to hear your comments!